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Grace Alexander Grace Alexander

A season of change and commitment

Monday 6 June


It is June and there are still things in my greenhouse that really shouldn’t be there. Marigolds for the dye pot. Cosmos sulphureus, ditto. Chestnut brown hollyhocks that got to an inch or so tall and then stopped. Trays of nicotiana that have started to flower. (I cannot recommend Nicotiana Bronze Queen enough. It is absolutely lovely. Tinkerbell, my other favourite nicotiana, is an F1 so I stopped growing it for the seed and so I am delighted to have N. Bronze Queen on my list. Dusky brown and open pollinated. I don’t ask more from my flowers.

But I digress. Enough is enough. Everything is going out. Shoved into pots in the courtyard and in between bigger plants in the beds. It is strangely satisfying. I feel like I am ready for the summer to truly start.

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