A sweet moment at the end of summer

“Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.”
― Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway


Goodness, what a weekend. 


This has been a weekend for family and flowers, for plums and blackberry picking. A party. 


My role was to cook. And cook I did. Doing this in a wood oven means quite a lot of jumping up and down which had the dual benefits that I got a lot of lovely compliments and also that I was spared the crushing hangover afflicting everyone else this morning. 


In case you fancy celebrating this absolutely perfect moment as we hang in the balance between high summer and the harvest, I have written out all of the recipes that I cooked in the flower field.  I hope you love them. Just click on the link below.


I will leave you with a lovely picture of me in action, taken by my seven year old niece, who was using my big camera. There is no love without perfect trust. 


Softwood & semi-ripe cuttings: A Guide


A menu for a summer party